In the manner of …
from January 2 to January 20, 2018
Opening on Saturday, January 6, 2018 at 7 pm
The Associative Gallery les Ateliers Agora
2 Place Thiers – 13430 Eyguières, in partnership with ESDAC
(School of Design, Applied Arts, Communication of Aix-en-Provence)
dedicates its places of welcome to an exhibition dedicated to photography on the theme
“In the manner of …”
Consciously or unconsciously our photographic activity, whether we are amateur, knowledgeable or professional, always finds its inspiration in the work of a master, a guide, a muse.
Somewhere we become the continuity of his thought, of his work.
It is this point that interests us.
It is this point which is the object of our subject.
Whether he is a writer, poet, filmmaker, photographer, sculptor, painter, this artist has been, perhaps, is still a guide in your photographic work.
Why not become an extension of his work.
Why not express your feelings about a part of his work.
It is not a matter of plagiarizing, copying, imitating or reproducing.
It is a question of drawing inspiration from at least one part of your work, of extending in your own way the way you see and put in image, to give a new approach, a new dimension, a new staging of a subject.
To copy is to be a slave.
To borrow, is more interesting because the idea grows.
Inspiration and evolution is rewarding.
“IN THE MANNER OF …「 Pierre Soulages 」”
#bootstrap_2o17 is a project, which originates in the footsteps of Pierre Soulages light and on a first reflection in 2004 which leads to a netArt project realized on a html page “TrAVerSéE2nUiT 2oo4”, a work of 36 x 1024 pixels (36.864 pixels) which refers to the breakage of silver for digital.
-> www.pozekafee.net/eric.petr/traversee2nuit/
#bootstrap is first and foremost a tribute to Pierre Soulages but also to Edgard Gunzig because they led, without being aware of it, the orientation and the research of my photographic work until recently, when I establish the obvious correlations between Pierre Soulages on the one hand, for my questioning on light as matter and on the other hand, between Edgard Gunzig who, in a second time, made me think about the essence of this luminous material and its timelessness.
The choice of a highly textured Japanese paper, for this series of five non-dissociable elements, is essential insofar as its structure comes, as an echo, recall the physical matter of the “black-light” paintings of Pierre Soulages.
Note: Bootstrap is an explanatory theory of the origin of the universe developed by Edgard Gunzig.
#boostrap_2o17 | pentaptyk #1/3 copies + 1 AP
This Photographic artwork is a series of 5 images (8×12 cm) on a horizontal line of 140 cm.
The photographs are printed on a Washi Fine Art paper 260g fringed and very textured (10×15 cm) and they are frame-mounted without glass with a floating fixation of the image and each frame measures 15×20 cm.
Please look at the details of this artwork