Variations of Light opus 7 & 8

Variations of Light opus 7 | Quantum entanglement (2024) detail

This work was the fruit of a reflection developed for a project of three exhibitions (2024〜2025) by UNESCO’s CNFAP [Conseil National Français des Arts Plastiques] as part of its “Dialogues” program, conducted in close collaboration with UPV’s CIAE [Centre de recherche sur l’art et l’environnement] [Université polytechnique de Valence] , two entities dedicated to the creation and dissemination of the visual arts.

AVANT LA LETTRE” is the title of the theme of this interdisciplinary exhibition, which expresses the concept of the project.

We want to take the lead on something that’s not yet defined. The point is to establish a relationship between what is written and its visual representation. In the same way that the avant-garde introduced words and typography as plastic elements in artistic work.
With this intention, we will link this project with that one:
“Artistic narrative as integral to a message. Connections between contemporary artists who use words”.
The theme of this exhibition implies the use in the work of words, of letters, as carriers of a conceptual or visual message, or as a plastic element in itself, in order to convey a message “avant la lettre”

Exhibition curator


The artist will create two original works.

・Work #1:
Visual or conceptual representation of a word that may or may not appear written in the work. This will be a free-format work, inspired by the proposed theme, whose size will be between 20 and 120 cm in height and between 20 and 70 cm in width. Depending on the exhibition space, this work will be exhibited next to the second or placed separately. The two works will form a coherent whole.

・Work #2:
Visual or conceptual representation of a letter. This second work is in the imposed A5 format in the horizontal direction, whose image could be smaller or occupy the entire surface of the paper. The support will always be flexible, as for the first work.

Variations de Lumière opus 7 | Quantum entanglement

Variations of Light opus 7 | Quantum entanglement (2024) : Kakémono Washi Kozo 42 x 21 cm and Plexiglas A5
[click on the image to enlarge it]
This work is presented in a cycle of three exhibitions in Spain and France and for the first time at the Casa de la Cultura José Peris Aragó in Valencia, Spain, in November 2024 as part of the “AVANT LA LETTRE” exhibition organized by UNESCO’s CNFAP and the UPV’s CIAE [Centre de recherche sur l’art et l’environnement] [Université polytechnique de Valence] . 
Opus 7 of my Variations of Light is born under the sign of quantum entanglement.

This diptych is an interactive installation featuring a Japanese paper kakemono and a printed transparent Plexiglas, which interact with each other and the viewer.

These two objects can be placed one on top of the other, next to each other, or separately in space. 

Quantum entanglement is the title of this opus 7, and in quantum mechanics means, and I quote:
”  Entanglement, or quantum entanglement, is a phenomenon in which two particles form a linked system and exhibit quantum states dependent on each other, regardless of the distance separating them. “

Variations of Light opus 7
[click on the image to enlarge it]

The space between the two components of the work is the energy they emit between them, as if we had on one side the energy of the word, the signifier and the meaning, and on the other the energy of the letter, which in its uniqueness takes on another meaning that echoes that of the word. 

In this installation, the letter “O” sits perfectly at the center of the word “HEART”, but also anywhere in the space. It’s the viewer who, by simply moving the Plexiglas, will feel the energy change as the two components move apart.  

In this installation, polysemy adds an unexpected depth to the meaning of the signifier and, by analogy, also expresses the “CHORUS”, i.e. the architectural heart of a place of belief, where the ” BEING”, since the most ancient times, has come in search of that oneness with the cosmos. 

This installation also shows that thought, before it expresses itself in letters and words, is also a form of light writing, a primary but not primitive form of writing. 

Variations of Light opus 7
[click on the image to enlarge it]
Variations of Light opus 7
[click on the image to enlarge it]

Variations of Light opus 8 | Uncertainty principle

Variations of Light opus 8 (2024) front view
[click on the image to enlarge it]
Variations of Light opus 8 (2024) side view
[click on the image to enlarge it]
This work is the fruit of a reflection on the “AVANT LA LETTRE” project by UNESCO’s CNFAP and the UPV’s CIAE [Centre de recherche sur l’art et l’environnement] [Université polytechnique de Valence] , which has now been replaced by Opus 7.
Opus 8 of my Variations of Light was born under the sign of Uncertainty principle.

This diptych is an interactive installation, comprising two photographs printed on 120 x 60 cm voile, which interact with each other and with the viewer.

The two sails are arranged in the space, suspended one metre above the ground by transparent nylons, and face each other 20 centimetres apart. 

The first kakemono is a black-and-white photograph representing the essence of the word ” CŒUR ” (or Heart) with all the vibration it is expected to express : Love. 
Love is the feeling that unites beings with each other and links them to Earth and Heaven. 
It is therefore a vertical energy that runs through the BEING and holds it on this invisible thread, suspended in space, and connects it to the COSMOS, i.e., Beauty. 

The second kakemono features a black-and-white A5 photograph of the letter “O”. This letter is the symbol of harmony, love, circle and family. Its symbolism is powerful and unifying, and for this installation, it resonates perfectly with the word “CŒUR” whose digram “Œ” it shares.

The two kakemonos, thus united, echo these two symbolic elements, those of the word ” CŒUR ” and that of the letter “O”. 

Uncertainty principle is the title of this opus 8, and means in quantum mechanics, and I quote:
” Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle (or indeterminacy principle) is one of the keys to quantum mechanics. It states that if we know the location of a particle exactly, the uncertainty will relate to its velocity, and vice versa. ”

The space created between these two kakemonos creates a kinetic energy that makes them communicate with each other, as if we had the energy of the word on one side, and the letter on the other. Their position and speed echo each other.